• Muhammad Fauzi Universitas Riau
  • Budijono Budijono Universitas Riau
  • Eko Prianto Universitas Riau
  • Adriman Adriman Universitas Riau
  • Andri Hendrizal Universitas Riau
Keywords: assistence, aquaculture, crab, mangrove, mud crab


The technical implementation unit (UPT) in the Tebing Tinggi Forest Management Unit (KPH), Meranti Regency, Riau Province is working on the management and utilization of mangrove forests in its operational territory through the acceleration of social forestry operations through the involvement of Social Forestry Groups (KPS). In order to build participatory KPS on the management and utilization of mangrove forests, rigid activities for the development of silvofishery enterprises have been carried out. The educational and assistance activities at Tebing Tinggi KPS in the development of silvofishery enterprises were conducted in May and July 2023. The objective of the event is to introduce alternative economic opportunities through the aquaculture of mud crabs as a silvofishery activity in the management and exploitation of mangroves in the KPS of the Tebing Tinggi of the Meranti Islands District and to enhance public understanding of the preservation of sustainable mangrove forests through education and training. The method of the activity is elaboration by providing tutorials in the classroom and assistance to the silvofishery enterprise at the level of the mangrove group in the area of UPT KPH Tebing Tinggi. The results of educational, training, and assistance activities show that there is potential for the active participation of KPS in the management and exploitation of mangrove forests. The participation of KPS in the development of silvofishery shows the different participation between KPS Desa Bokor and KTH Remai Gemilang Desa Padang Kamal. The efforts of silvofishery to optimize the use of the mangrove ecosystem through support and assistance have the potential to improve both. KPS Desa Bokor still needs further coordination in the selection of suitable locations. KTH Remai Gemilang has tried to cultivate mud crabs and red-eyed snails but still needs support to reduce the risk of failure. The recommendations of this activity are to continue supporting and assisting the KPS, intensify the construction and training of the KTH, and encourage cooperation between the KPS and the relevant authorities


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How to Cite
Fauzi, M., Budijono, B., Prianto, E., Adriman, A., & Hendrizal, A. (2023). UPAYA PARTISIPATIF KELOMPOK PERHUTANAN SOSIAL (KPS) TEBING TINGGI DALAM KELOLA EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DENGAN PENGEMBANGAN USAHA SILVOFISHERY MELALUI METODE EDUKASI DAN ASISTENSI. Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement, 5, 162-174. https://doi.org/10.31258/unricsce.5.162-174