• Tivany Edwin Universitas Andalas
  • Nuzulia Irawati Universitas Andalas
  • Tevina Edwin Universitas Andalas
  • Putri Gemala Sari Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Syawal Andhika Universitas Andalas
  • Ahlul Zikri Universitas Andalas


Hygiene and sanitation of agricultural workers is very important because it can reduce the risk of disease, avoid contact with toxic waste, and increase agricultural productivity. Community service activities related to hygiene and sanitation was carried out in the Bukik Gompong Organic Garden agricultural area. The implementation method is by conducting FGDs on the needs of sanitation facilities in farmer groups, providing an understanding of the importance of hygiene and sanitation through education, carrying out examination of worm eggs in farmers’ nail. The results of community service have obtained the quality of raw water for irrigation to agricultural areas, the implementation of counseling and examination of worm eggs in farmers' nail samples, and have also posted sanitary hygiene posters in agricultural areas. The community service program was successful, with a positive response from the community. With the Implementation of this community service, it is expected that farmers can be aware of their health and increase their productivity


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How to Cite
Edwin, T., Irawati, N., Edwin, T., Sari, P., Andhika, S., & Zikri, A. (2024). PENYULUHAN HIGIEN DAN PEDAMPING PERENCANAAN SANITASI PADA PETANI BUKIK GOMPONG ORGANIC GARDEN. Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement, 5, 145-150.