Increasing production from UMKM really requires a touch of technology. The technology needed has been developed by the service in research which has produced a multifunctional drying sistem with the title of creating a Multifunctional Dryer Sistem based on Greenhouse Effect Principles with Renewable Energy Sources (Solar Panels). This service begins development of tools using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation), Development of a drying sistem carried out in the Physics Education Laboratory, from the drying sistem test, it was found that the functioning of the sistem is where there is a significant difference in temperature inside the sistem and outside the sistem, Application of this tool carried out at the Assorted Ummi Crackers Business UMKM in Merangin, Kuok sub-district, as the name suggests, this machine is multifunctional, several types of farmer products can be dried such as Lomang Crackers, fish crackers, Cocoa, Areca nut and other food products, with the application of this tool it can increase production results both in terms of quantity (the process is much faster than the manual process) as well as quality, this service is devoted to drying Balado lomang crackers, from interviews conducted drying lomang crackers using a drying sistem is much faster than manual drying, The use of this drying sistem can be used for 24 hours without being affected by the weather so that it will increase the speed and quality of production. With the speed of production and quality of production, market needs can be served perfectly so that it can improve the community's economy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fakhruddin Z, Muhammad Nasir, R Syahril, Nur Islami, Lazuardi Lazuardi
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